Estelle Rabourdin
Estelle Rabourdin is Quality & Food safety Director for Moy Park food services Europe.
She joined Moy Park Beef Orleans in 2000 after getting her diploma in French Graduate School of Agriculture and Bioengineering of Lille.
Over the last 20 years, Moy Park beef has developed contracting programs with French beef farmers and worked with the whole beef supply chain stakeholders to share knowledge, vision and practices on Sustainability. Today, it is recognized as a valued partner for the French beef industry. Among the successes of the partnership with the French beef network is BoviWell – an on farm cattle welfare diagnosis – developed by the Moy park & its partners and today given to the French meat and Dairy industry.
Acting at European level, Estelle is a member of the board of the European Roundtable for Beef Sustainability and chairs its Technical Working Group.